0 By AlpineFF In InstagramPosted May 30, 2016Andy putting a nice bend in that rod. We landed some nice wild fish today. We also lost a beast , and that's why he's big and still growing.#norcal #sierras #tahoetroutsyndicate #alpineflyfishing #wildtrout #moneyflows #ontheswing #sageflyfish #redington #simmsfishing #maketheconnection #fishpond READ MORE
0 By AlpineFF In InstagramPosted May 27, 2016Tight lines and super strong fish were the theme of the day. The poor mans Tarpon were willing to take the fly all day. I wish these awesome fish were available year round in our local rivers!#sageflyfish #redington #simmsfishing #alpineflyfishing #guidesdayoff #norcal #tahoetroutsyndicate #clackacraft #ontheswing #ghettotarpon READ MORE
0 By AlpineFF In InstagramPosted May 20, 2016Big thanks to Tara and her dad Cliff for coming down to fish with us and for supporting @casthope . Tara bid and won a full day guide trip and helped some awesome kids in the process. If you haven't checked out Cast Hope you should. Alpine Fly Fishing is super excited to work with this organization and help expose kids to the outdoors. Thanks again Tara! Your $ went too a great cause! #casthope #tahoetroutsyndicate #alpineflyfishing #browntown #bluecheeks #maketheconnection #simmsfishing #sageflyfish #redington #notbadforyourfirstfishonthefly #extremewindgusts READ MORE
0 By AlpineFF In InstagramPosted May 15, 2016Not great numbers but great quality #flyfishing #dryfly #browntrout #hitormiss #tahoetroutsyndicate #guidetrip READ MORE
0 By AlpineFF In InstagramPosted May 6, 2016Grey rainy day on the river. Fish were diggin it , so did we!#nocrowds #dryflyfishing #wildtrout #alpineflyfishing #goretex #easternsierras #sageflyfish #maketheconnection #simmsfishing #keepemwet #tahoetroutsyndicate READ MORE
0 By AlpineFF In InstagramPosted May 1, 2016The greater Tahoe area is fishing really well for the "traditional " opener. A little snow, rain, snain and wind won't stop us! #wildrainbows #wildtrout #tahoetroutsyndicate #mattheronflyfishing #alpineflyfishing #dryflyfishing #maketheconnection #sageflyfish #keepemwet #truckeeflyfishing READ MORE