By AlpineFF
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Reflecting back on one of the best weeks I had this season… #bollibokka holds a special place in my heart for a number of reasons. It’s not about the numbers or size of the fish we chase on the mighty #mcloud river , but the memories made with family and great friends that will last a lifetime… I’m blessed to have such great people in my life to share in the pursuit of happiness and a few fish along the way . Huge thanks to @brassee and @mrs_brass for including us again… Cheers to you !#seewhatsoutthere #scottflyrods #alpineflyfishing #wildtrout #wildplaces #family #simmsfishing #forgettheforecast #theonethatgotaway #flyfishing #catchandrelease #tahoetroutsyndicate #norcal #titos #dryfly #fishpond2018-11-152018-11-15 Fly Fishing Guide Services