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The spring/summer fishing season is kicking off with a bang!  We have ditched that wet cool weather and upgraded for the warmer summer temps.  It’s go time up in the Tahoe area.  As we creep out of the wet spring weather and into our normal summer pattern we see a large emergence of carpenter ants out and about.  Those pesky insects provide some great food for our finned friends.  In the afternoons we have had some great dry fly fishing with fish looking up for those big ants getting blown into the water.  Pmd’s have also been a key suspect in the fishes diet lately and will continue to do so.  Caddis are also becoming more prevalent as we warm up a bit and the fish are getting fat.  At times we are seeing the fish being a bit picky in the mornings.  But once the bugs start coming off the fish have been seen sliding into fast runs, shallow lies and the typical bubble line slurping, sipping and smacking dries.  Summer is a great time for that dry dropper rig.  Big and foamy on top and something that will get down under neath it.  So if tromping around in the river, throwing bugs to fat and happy fish sounds like a your cup of tea you know where to look.