This morning it is finally starting to look like winter around here again. From sixty degree T shirt weather last month straight into way below freezing temperatures without hesitation! An exceptionally odd season up here in the Sierras this year compared to last. Expect to have some snow on your trek to the water for a while now. We are also seeing some anchor ice forming on the rivers edge. The trout have now slid back into their “normal”, winter lies. We were seeing them slide into some faster water for this time of year with all the heat waves we were having. But now the fish are looking for that slow walking pace water. They are gonna be a bit more stacked in the deeper pools and runs. With the weather finally sliding in and giving us some cloudy days for a chance at some noses poking up in the bubble line it can’t hurt to grab a dry fly rod laced up with a bwo and/or a midge for that mid day hatch. So if winter solitude and quieter waters sound like your cup of tea look no further than the Sierras. It is time.