Now that we have the general trout season behind us for the season what does that mean? Well, that leaves us with less crowds now that the average joe’s have left most, if not all of our waters. They can no longer go out fishing the stocked road side hole to fill their freezer. Great news! Less people equals fish that are generally a bit more grabby. But since the closure of the general trout season we have also had our normal stream closures. So make sure you check the rules and regulations before heading out to your favorite piece of water.
Now that the seasons are changing, so is the fishing. The fish will now be transitioning into to their winter lies. Generally podding up in the slower pools and eddies. The big cold snap we had the last couple weeks really cooled off water temps. Then we had a nice rain event that spiked all of our local waters giving them a nice shot of water. Well as these rivers begin to drop and level out in terms of flows one can find a day out on the water to be a banner day. The fish are nice and healthy and still need to eat during the cold winter months. So make sure to take advantage of the last of these nice fall days and come on out fishing with us. After all, you can’t catch em from the couch.
So cheers to another great water year!
And Happy Thanksgiving from us at Alpine Fly Fishing!